Hypnotherapy & NLP Adelaide Anxiety

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Health Anxiety Series Part 2: 3 of 4 High Cholesterol and Heart Issues

A disturbing diagnosis that you may have dangerously high cholesterol levels.

You may be one of many people who are not fully aware of the harm high cholesterol can do to your health. If left untreated, high cholesterol puts you at a high risk of suffering a life-threatening heart attack or a stroke. This news can be devastating to anyone who suffers from health anxiety, and has a phobia about any little bodily ache or pain.

If this is you, and you get a diagnosis of high cholesterol about which you have very little knowledge, you may go into a panic mode of anxiety and stress that you are actually at death’s door. The good news is that high cholesterol can be successfully treated and managed, so you can relax a little and step back from death’s door! However, there are things you need to know about cholesterol that can help put things into perspective.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fatty substance found in some foods and also produced by the body. A poor diet is full of unsaturated fats, processed foods such as takeaways, and items made from refined flour or refined sugars. These foods have absolutely no nutritional value, and excessive consumption of these foods have been shown by studies to put you at risk of high cholesterol and a possible heart attack.

There are 2 types of cholesterol namely, bad known as LDL, and good cholesterol or HDL, which helps to remove the bad LDL from the blood. When the bad cholesterol gets too high it can build up in your arteries, and restrict blood flow to the heart and brain, and may cause a heart attack or a stroke.

What are the symptoms of high cholesterol?

High cholesterol does not cause any symptoms. Many people are therefore unaware that they may have high cholesterol issues. A visit to the doctor and a blood test (lipogram) will give you the numbers. If the numbers are too high, beginning to work on getting them lower, will lower your risk of a heart attack, and other heart-related problems. Remember that the body needs cholesterol to function properly, and the liver produces what is needed. The extra is deposited into the blood stream as the liver cannot store it.

Risk factors for high cholesterol.

There are several different factors which can affect cholesterol levels. These include:

·        Diet. Saturated fat, processed foods, and sugar products, are foods which promote high cholesterol. Reducing the amount of these foods and eating more plant-based high fiber foods will help to lower your cholesterol levels.

·        Weight. In addition to being a risk factor for heart disease, being overweight is also known to increase bad (LDL) cholesterol levels. If you are struggling with obesity even after trying a healthy diet plan, you should give hypnotherapy a try. You can lose weight with hypnosis in Adelaide.

·        Lack of exercise.  Studies have shown that regular exercise can lower LDL and increase HDL which also fights the bad cholesterol.

·        Medical conditions. An underactive thyroid, liver and kidney disease are also known to contribute to high cholesterol levels.

For the sake of your well-being, high cholesterol must be taken seriously, and the first line of treatment is niacin (vitamin B3) and statin drugs – which work to lower cholesterol levels. A change of lifestyle and embracing a healthy diet have been proved to work well with medications. However, there is compelling evidence that your stress level can cause a rise in your LDL (bad one!)


The link between stress, anxiety and high cholesterol.

Research has provided undeniable evidence that your levels of stress and anxiety can indirectly cause your bad cholesterol levels to rise. Many people, when stressed or anxious, often have a craving to eat – most of the time all the wrong things like sweets, chocolates, cakes etc.

If you are fearful of a bad diagnosis, studies have shown that dealing with the anxiety which is rooted in the subconscious mind, is the best way to cope with, and manage the health anxieties.

A therapist, well-versed in the science of hypnotherapy, is able to access the subconscious mind, and help you eliminate harmful, negative thoughts about your health.

You will learn how create a new, positive mindset, and be amazed how calmness is restored to your mind and your life.