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Are You Really Addicted to Alcohol?

Drinking alcohol is an acceptable way to pass the time for most people. And many individuals engage in social drinking to reconnect with friends and family or relax after a long day at work.

But it’s often difficult for some people to realize at what point drinking becomes a problem - especially since the effects of over-consuming alcohol tend to vary widely from one person to the next. One way to help you figure this out is to understand your reasons for drinking.

Why Do You Drink Alcohol?

Is drinking alcohol a means for you to cope, deal with problems, numb pain, or avoid facing issues? Could you be dealing with intense work pressure, a stressful relationship, or even sleepless nights?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might have a drinking problem that could potentially lead to alcohol addiction if not addressed.  

How else can you tell that your drinking might be getting out of hand? Here are some telltale warning signs:

●     You drink more than you had planned on most occasions

●     You lie to family and friends about your drinking habits

●     You can tolerate high levels of alcohol

●     You increasingly depended on alcohol to function

●     You feel guilty and ashamed about your drinking

●     You need to drink to feel better, feel good about yourself, or relax

●     You find it hard to sustain a living and experience constant job loss

●     You regularly blackout or can’t recall whatever you did while under the influence

The first step to overcoming alcohol abuse and addiction is recognizing that you have a problem. But this is not always easy as the problem has a way of sneaking up on you. Besides, alcohol is readily available and culturally accepted in relaxation and celebratory settings.

Still, being conscious of the accompanying warning signs can enable you to take the necessary steps to address the situation. 

More often than not, most people drink to avoid facing tough challenges or stressful situations. Unfortunately, drinking alcohol prevents them from identifying alternative and more useful ways of dealing with their particular problems.


Effects of Drinking Alcohol

Alongside the signs that go with overconsumption of alcohol are the side effects. While some side effects are minor, such as grogginess or feeling hungover, others can seriously affect your health. These include:


●     Memory loss

●     Alcohol poisoning

●     Digestive problems

●     Increased lethargy

●     Relationship conflicts

●     Anxiety, irritability, depression, or other related emotional issues


Once you start experiencing the above signs and side effects, it’s probably time to think about cutting back on your drinking or taking a complete break altogether.

But before we look at how to overcome alcohol addiction, let’s first define what exactly alcohol addiction is. Then, we’ll look at what factors, if any, predispose one to this condition.


Alcohol Addiction Explained

Alcohol addiction or alcoholism is an ailment that can affect almost anyone. It can lead to changes in the brain that can make an alcohol addict unable to control their actions.

While factors including genetics, socioeconomic status, gender, or race might predispose you to alcoholism, there is no single cause. As such, other factors like psychological and behavioral factors can also lead to the condition.

The levels of alcohol addiction vary from one person to the next. And so does its severity. Some individuals indulge in binge drinking while others heavily drink every day, say after work. 


How to Overcome Alcohol Addiction

Denial is the biggest challenge to overcoming alcohol addiction. Unfortunately, the addiction worsens with time, so it’s crucial to look out for the warning signs and decide on a course of action. Early treatment can also help you avert dire consequences down the road.

Many alcoholics also struggle with the pain, guilt, anger, and frustration associated with alcoholism. Some have tried to quit and failed. Others have to deal with ostracism and broken relationships. All these obstacles make overcoming alcohol addiction an uphill task.

But just as people’s reasons for drinking vary, so do the ways to overcome alcohol addiction. Likewise, a treatment that works for one person might not deliver the desired outcome for you. Again, recovery is a lifetime process. There is no quick-fix solution, and you must commit to working on curing your ailment daily.

That said, the best treatment choice for you depends on how long you have been drinking, how much, and whether you have other underlying health issues. Therefore, it’s best to consult your doctor to evaluate your condition and advise on the best treatment.


Some of the treatment options include:

●     Drug therapy. This entails residential treatment within a treatment facility while undergoing intensive treatment or partial hospitalization for ongoing medical monitoring. Individuals going through related conditions like depression also receive proper medication. 

●     Counseling. Individual or family therapy is beneficial in finding the root cause of your alcohol abuse. It can help in mending your relationships, teach you to manage recovery-related stress, and provide you with healthier coping skills. Also, it equips you with the skills you need to handle triggers that could lead to a relapse.

●     Nutritional changes. Consuming a healthy diet can improve your health and repair any damage caused by alcohol, such as weight loss or excessive weight gain.

●     Other interventions. Giving back through offering to help other people going through alcohol addiction can help you deal with your own addiction. And refocus your thoughts from your struggle. For instance, you can free yourself from alcohol addiction by training to be a hypnosis and NLP practitioner.

These approaches enable practitioners to change negative patterns buried deep within the unconscious mind. They are also remarkably successful in helping many people change habits they have battled to change before unsuccessfully.


Tips to Overcoming Alcohol Addiction

If you are a heavy drinker, not drinking alcohol can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, headache, diarrhea, and high blood pressure. This is because your body physically depends on alcohol.

That’s why it’s important to undergo detoxification under medical supervision. Here, you get to receive medication to ease withdrawal symptoms and prevent any complications.

Once you are on the road to recovery, it’s essential to avoid reverting to your old habits. Below are valuable tips to help you overcome alcohol addiction and prevent a relapse:


●     Replace drinking alcohol with another activity. Look for a different activity to replace your drinking. This could be exercise, DIY projects, meditating, or other relaxing activities.

●     Accept support from family and friends. Your friends and family mean well and are interested in your recovery. Don’t shun their help. Support can also come from other recovering alcoholics, your counselors or healthcare providers, and members of your faith community.

●     Make new friends. Try to avoid visiting your old haunts. Instead, create new connections with non-drinkers who support your recovery efforts. In addition, it’s best to avoid alcohol-related parties and join community events in order to stay on track and motivated.

●     Join recovery support groups. Groups like Alcoholic Anonymous comprise people going through experiences similar to yours. You can benefit significantly from attending their meetings regularly, since these people understand you better. What’s more, you can learn much from their shared experiences and get a unique opportunity to heal too.

●     Continue with your treatment. If you are on prescribed medication or attending therapy, continue as per your schedule. This will improve your chances of remaining sober. But if you relapse, don’t despair. Reach out to your counselor, family, sponsor, or close friend for help.


Final Thoughts

Overcoming alcohol addiction is difficult, but it is doable. The first step is realizing that you have a problem and then having the will and desire to make a change for the better. With support from family and friends, you can win the fight over alcohol addiction and enjoy living a happy and fulfilled life once more.