Hypnotherapy & NLP Adelaide Anxiety

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Boundaries and the Power of Saying No

Hypnosis and NLP can assist you in developing the right frame of mind to set boundaries in your personal and professional life


Do you feel that people take advantage of your generous nature? Do you find that sometimes people don’t respect your decisions or you find it difficult to say no to some people?

To ensure that relationships are mutually supportive, caring and overall respectful, clear personal boundaries are essential. Every social interaction essentially consists of some form of compromise and negotiation at a fundamental level. Communication and negotiation are the cornerstones of living in society. As humans, we have a deep desire to have strong interpersonal connections with others. It has been medically proven that the absence of a connection with other people can result in both physical and mental health issues.

Taking this into consideration, the ability to get on with others is actually a survival skill. Everyone at a deeper level wants to be liked as it reinforces our feeling of connectedness and provides a sense of security and safety on a primal level. This is all well and good, but can our desire for approval contribute to dissatisfaction and negative outcomes in our own lives?

Being connected to other people is just one of the functions of being sociable. Both status and control are inherent aspects of living in society. A sense of status and a sense of control are equally as important as a sense of connection. Possessing an understanding of where we sit within social structures, and knowing that we are recognised and respected, is a part of how we form our identity. It is also very important to feel that we are in charge and in control of certain aspects of our lives in order to confidently create the future we desire.

We need to set boundaries to live a healthy and balanced life

There are times in life that it may be rather challenging to find equilibrium between a sense of control, status and connection with others. In order to fulfil the desire to be connected and sociable, we need to have the ability to be friendly with one another, which ensures there is a mutual level of comfort in our relationships. 

If you find yourself never wanting to ‘make waves’ or constantly accommodating other people at the expense of what you truly desire, you can begin to feel as if you are sacrificing your status or losing control, both in terms of the external world and your own unconscious. It may even feel at times that you have lost a sense of status and control in your life, which ultimately can be very disempowering and have a negative effect on your sense of self-worth. If you identify with any of the dynamics mentioned here, you may be guilty of letting others cross your boundaries.  More about this in the next blog - So what is the solution to regaining a sense of equilibrium?  Adjusting to change can be made easy with the right tools for the job.  If you would like to experience the power if hypnosis for relaxation, just click on the button below and gain access to a free hypnosis mp3.