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Hypnosis and Social Media Addiction Series – 2 of 5

Breaking free from your phone. 

Is your phone always in your hand?

The internet must rate as one of the greatest inventions of modern times. Computers, smart phones, networks, and social media, allow us to connect with people far and wide as never before. Being online has become one the most popular pastimes on the world, as lives have become saturated with screen time. 

Getting hooked on the net is not very difficult. In fact, with all the apps available, it is quite easy to display compulsive behaviour. Social media and what’s app contacts with friends and family far away, makes the world smaller, leading to an ever greater desire to be online.

Having your phone constantly in your hand while driving, often even while texting, is dangerous behaviour which has led to serious accidents. Authorities worldwide have introduced spot fines for people on their phones while driving, but sometimes, for some folk the strong pull of their phones, makes it worth taking the chance of a fine!

This kind of behaviour is one of signs that you may indeed be addicted to the internet – and feverishly attached to your phone.   

The potential dangers of compulsively using your smart phone.

Researchers have investigated some of the pitfalls of using online technology excessively. The findings include:

·      The more you are involved with Facebook, the greater the chance that your own happiness and life satisfaction will decrease.

·      Using technology before going to bed is linked to poor sleep problems.

·      Spending long periods of time on phones and computers is more likely to lead to stress and serious burnout.

·      You may notice that others in their social media posts are happier than you are, and have more friends and get bigger responses than you do. For some people this is a major issue, and can lead to anxiety and a lowered self-esteem. 

·      You could have a compulsion to keep checking your phone for updates, sometimes as often as every one or two minutes, just in case you missed something.

The worst possible pitfall is that you may be in danger of developing a strong addiction to the internet and its offerings, all of which can eventually take over your life.

How to break free and conquer an addiction.

If you are concerned that you are, or may become addicted to social media networks, via your phone or computer, and you want to take back your life and break free from the compulsive behaviour, there is help out there.

Addiction experts have recommended that that the most effective way to successfully deal with the problem is by means of hypnotherapy and enhanced cognitive behavioural therapy, or CBT.

Hypnotherapy is able to deal with any form of physical or emotional issues, and social network addiction is no exception to the rule.

How hypnotherapy and CBT can help you break free.

The subconscious mind is the home of all your behaviours, emotions and memories. Habits and behaviours usually run unconsciously, and it is therefore in the subconscious mind where lasting changes can be created in those areas.

Hypnotherapy, in combination with CBT, can access the subconscious mind and make positive suggestions to deal with poor behaviour patterns, as well as destructive compulsive habits.

You will learn how to successfully:

·      Turn off your phone for designated periods of time so that you are not always paying attention to your phone, in case of updates.

·      Pay more attention to friends and family when socialising by putting off your phone while you are out.

·      Delete, or minimise, apps which not really essential as they only take up time.

·      Learn how to leave your phone at home occasionally without caving in to panic and anxiety.

·      Hypnotherapy and CBT will help you to once again look at life around you, instead of having your eyes glued to the phone or computer screen.

Hypnotherapy will also show you how to monitor your own success, as you gradually begin to take back control of your life.


Does this kind of addiction really exist?

Addiction to your phone, computer, or social media, is as real as being addicted to cigarettes and alcohol. The withdrawal symptoms can be just as painful and distressing.

Hypnosis gives you a real chance to overcome the compulsive behaviours, and put you back on an even keel.