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Self-Sabotage Series – Article 2

                                                                   Self-Sabotage Series – Article 2.

Binge eating disorder.

What is binge eating?

Binge eating disorder is a serious, distressing, life-threatening eating disorder which is characterised by recurring bouts of eating huge quantities of food. During the binges, a lack of control is often experienced followed by feelings of shame or guilt. 

Most binge eaters do not employ measures such as purging with laxatives, or resorting to bulimia-like effects, to compensate the binge eating. 

The binge eating disorder is rated as the most common eating disorder in the US. 

How is the binge eating disorder diagnosed?

There are certain criteria which are used for a correct diagnosis. Here are some of the more important factors to pay attention to.

·      Eating within any 2 hour period a very much larger amount of food that most people would eat at the same time, under similar circumstances.

·      A definite sense of a lack of control over what or how much you are eating.

·      Eating great amounts of food when not actually hungry.

·      The binge eating occurs, on average at least once a week for a minimum of 3 months.

·      Eating until uncomfortably full, and always eating more rapidly than usual. 

·      Always embarking on frequent, or secret fad diets which results in dramatic weight loss. Each time the diet is abandoned, binge eating resumes, and weight lost is regained in a very short space of time.

Unless diagnosed and treated, a binge eating disorder may result in a cycle of unhealthy eating that will eventually cause serious harm to the body and persona, sabotaging your desire for a healthy body.

What causes a binge eating disorder?

Research has suggested that compulsive eating problems are rooted in the subconscious mind as a result of events which lead us to believe that food is a type of comfort blanket for hurts and harms. You, like many other folk might use food to reward yourself when suffering from stress or anxiety.

The subconscious mind, even from childhood days, has often been conditioned that there is comfort in food that helps to numb feelings of pain and distress. 

Studies have shown that there is no medication which actually helps binge eating, although some meds may help to reduce the episodes of compulsive eating. However, most of these medications have unpleasant side effects such as an increased heart rate, a dry mouth and trouble sleeping.

The good news is that the subconscious can be retrained naturally and effectively, by means of hypnosis.

How hypnosis can help you overcome compulsive eating.

Hypnosis allows you access to the subconscious mind by opening a direct line of communication to the subconscious. The therapist helps you to begin releasing bad habits and retraining the subconscious to be a supporter of good habits, instead of always helping to sabotage your goals.

In other words overcoming compulsive eating needs something more than willpower alone. The best way to deal with binge eating is to retrain the subconscious to get rid of the cravings for food. 

The issues which hypnosis will address.

·      Thoughtless eating. Most compulsive eaters eat and overeat without thinking. Hypnosis will help you to recognise difference between cravings and actual hunger. You will learn to be mindful about your eating habits, and gain control and power over food cravings.

·      Breaking habitual negative thoughts.These thoughts may be related to self-confidence, self-esteem, and any other stressful situations. When you give in to compulsive eating to relieve the distress, you automatically self-sabotage yourself by not attempting to deal with the issues. Hypnosis can access the subconscious mind where the root of the problem lies, and empower you to regain control of your thoughts.

·      Underlying conditions. Compulsive eating is often the result of unresolved conflicts. By accessing the subconscious mind, hypnosis enables you to deal with the issues, and move on past them.

·      Restoring confidence.Binge eating can erode your confidence by making you feel guilty, disappointed, and often disgusted with yourself. Hypnosis is one of the most powerful tools for regaining confidence, and learning to accept and love yourself more.

Hypnosis is a tried and tested way to release bad eating habits. The technique of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a recommended way to move forward. NLP is a technique and set of tools which helps to access the subconscious where many of the self-sabotaging attitudes are buried.

You will learn how to overcome the problem issues and achieve the goals you have set for yourself.