Hypnotherapy & NLP Adelaide Anxiety

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Series (5 part) on Hypnosis, NLP, Hypnotherapy, for TMJ pain and connected issues. Article 2 of 5 re Grinding of teeth.

About TMJ and pain from grinding your teeth.

TMJ is a term used to describe the temporo-mandibular joint, which connects the mandible (jawbone) to the skull. It allows you to move your jaw up and down and from side to side, so that you can talk, chew, and yawn. 

Grinding and clenching your teeth is a widespread and an unpleasant problem. It may sound relatively harmless, but continually grinding and gnashing your teeth, may become a habit which can lead to long-term damage to your teeth. The medical name for this condition is known as Bruxism, and unfortunately, many people do not even seem to realise that they have the condition.

It is only when their dental health has begun to deteriorate, and jaw pain has become an issue, that they may get concerned about grinding their teeth.

Some symptoms of Bruxism.

Grinding your teeth can occur in the day, as well in the night when you are asleep. Here are some common symptoms, and results of what may happen, if the condition is not treated:

·         Clenching or grinding your teeth when you are asleep, can make a scraping type noise, which may even wake you up, or disturb your partner.

·         Tooth enamel may be worn or irreparably damaged.

·         Severe pain may develop in the jaw, especially when you open or close your mouth, which can lead to the jaw joint becoming dysfunctional.

·         Your jaw and face muscles may become filled with tension, potentially causing earache or headaches which do not respond to common pain relievers.

·         The inside of your mouth can become inflamed, and indentations may appear on the tongue from all the teeth gnashing, clenching and grinding.

These factors can lead to more pain in the jaw joint, and a more serious dysfunction of the temporo-mandibular joint, if the bruxism is not attended to.

How neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and hypnotherapy can help.

You can end this uncomfortable, painful habit for good. Studies have shown that bruxism can be stopped by the changing of your behaviours and thought patterns, and can be accomplished with the help of NLP and hypnotherapy techniques.

Hypnotherapy is able to access the subconscious mind, and can help to change your thought patterns on a deep level. Combined with hypnotherapy, NLP works with the conscious mind, and teaches you to make good choices about your thought patterns. Working together, these techniques can achieve excellent results in a remarkably short amount of time.

A common factor.

Research has suggested that people who are aware that they have a teeth-grinding problem, worry about it, think about it advance, and always expecting that it is going to happen – especially when asleep. Experts agree that there are very favourable reports that the new mindset and the new thoughts patterns learnt, are a great help in reducing the anxious expectancy of bruxism happening during sleep. The programming affords you the opportunity to have a relaxed sleep with a relaxed jaw, free of grinding, or TMJ pain.  

For more information about this exciting treatment for bruxism, contact Matthew Tweedie Hypnosis.