Hypnotherapy & NLP Adelaide Anxiety

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Series Health Anxiety, article 6 of 6

Is it an anxiety attack or a panic attack?

What is the difference between an anxiety attack and a panic attack?

An anxiety attack is caused by a stressor in your mind which pops up, for example when you have issues of health anxiety, and a new symptom or ache or pain crops up which leads you believe you may have a dread disease. You may suddenly feel very fearful, have a racing heart, and become short of breath.

Fortunately, the stressor tends to fade, as do the symptoms of the anxiety attack. As a rule, if you have generalised anxiety, you may be aware of the approach of an anxiety attack.

On the other hand, a panic attack happens without warning and the symptoms are far more severe than those of an anxiety attack. Some of the symptoms include a pounding heart rate, an idea that you might be dying (thinking you are dying), trembling, hot flashes, chest pain and dizziness – amongst others. 

Because panic attacks are so traumatic, you are often left with the fear that another may happen at any time. Fortunately, health anxiety does not cause a panic attack.

The common denominator between an anxiety attack and a panic attack is that they both originate in the mind.

 Health anxiety issues.

Anxiety is a general feeling of stress, restlessness, and apprehension of something which is not always identifiable. If you suffer from serious health anxiety issues, you may have an anxiety disorder, which often results in anxiety attacks, usually triggered by physical symptoms. Problematic anxiety tends to be chronic and irrational, and may often impact negatively on life situations.  

Excessive health anxiety can be caused by several medical or psychological conditions. For example, someone who has suffered from cancer may be fearful of it returning, or may have anticipatory fear that another serious illness will arrive. Either way, the distorted thought patterns can become a permanent source of worry.

An anxiety disorder, if not treated, can also lead to various real conditions such as high blood pressure, stomach problems, high stress levels, and painful headaches.

 What is the best way to treat a healthy anxiety disorder?

Anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications are the go-to medications for anxiety and depression. Many of these meds have side effects which affect different people in different ways. Most of the time they treat and relieve the symptoms without getting to the root cause of the problems.

Mental health experts agree that because anxiety, and especially health anxiety, is a psychologically linked condition, the best treatment to get to the root of the problem issues is - hypnotherapy.

Research has indicated that hypnotherapy can help a person focus on getting rid of their phobias and learn ways to remain relaxed when confronted by feared situations.

Getting treated with hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy should be performed by a certified hypnotist who is trained in the approach of treating anxiety disorders. During a hypnotherapy session, you will undergo a process that helps you to completely relax and focus your mind to be more able to respond to suggestions by the therapist.

Hypnosis is able to access the subconscious mind where the harmful and negative thoughts lurk, and so investigate some of the issues which cause anxiety. 

Here are some of the benefits you can get from hypnotherapy.

  • Explore, expose, and eliminate traumatic memories such as losing a loved one to a dread disease.

  • Help to eliminate fears that you may fall victim to cancer, or something else equally awful because you feel you have similar symptoms that put you in danger.

  • The therapist will help you to create a new, positive mindset which is more focussed, giving you greater emotional and physical control.

  • Restore your sense of self-esteem and re-build your self-confidence and sense of well-being.

Hypnosis, Hypno-psychotherapy and NLP (HNLP) has become a recognised, successful medical treatment for several medical and psychological conditions. It is not invasive, is very relaxing, and you are always fully aware and focussed during the session.