Hypnotherapy & NLP Adelaide Anxiety

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The Mind-Body Connection in Sports Hypnosis and NLP

Sports hypnosis works on the axiom of the mind-body connection. Up until this point in Western medicine, the mind and body have been viewed as two separate things. It has only been through more recent advances in neuroscience and neuropsychology that we have come to understand that the two are intrinsically connected. The body and mind are continually talking to each other, with neurotransmitters from the brain to the body in a constant state of flux. While the brain sends messages to the body to tell it what to do behaviourally, the body equally has the ability to tell the brain how to feel and perceive. 

This has a major impact on sports performance because hypnotherapy and NLP can be utilised to inspire the desired message to be conveyed from the mind to the body - a boxer tucking their chin in and keeping their shoulder in the right position to protect their jaw; or a higher level of focus and conviction for a soccer player on the field.

The underlying foundational concept that makes sports hypnosis so effective is that it works directly with the unconscious mind. This is the reason that hypnosis and NLP are the perfect accompaniments to sport, which requires the recruitment of the unconscious for fast reflex and reaction time. It is for this reason that by remodelling the quality of unconscious reactions, hypnosis gives a sportsperson an advanced and superior edge, as well as the capability to take their game to a previously unachievable level.  Read more about in the next blog post about positive strategies and personal power in the next blog post:


You can experience the mind body connection with this free hypnosis MP3.  Just click the button below to begin to feel the benefits of hypnotic relaxation.