Hypnotherapy & NLP Adelaide Anxiety

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Series (5 part) on Hypnosis, NLP, Hypnotherapy, for TMJ pain and connected issues. Article 3 of 5 re Stress and Anxiety.

Stress and anxiety can lead to TMJ disorder.

Stress and anxiety are the body’s natural way of reacting to difficult situations. If the condition persists, it can be detrimental for your health. Common reactions to the symptoms of stress may be an inability to get decent sleep, headaches, muscle pain, and teeth grinding – medically known as bruxism.

Because of the common link between stress and teeth grinding, it is easy to develop a TMJ disorder as a result. This may not happen immediately, but as time goes by, and the symptoms of anxiety are not relieved, the condition may continue unabated. Restless sleep, induced by stress, can cause you to unconsciously grind your teeth and clench your jaw. The constant wear and tear can put your jaw out of alignment and cause chronic neck pain, as well acute muscle strain.

A vicious cycle.

There are some indications that anxiety may actually cause TMJ dysfunctional disorder and associated pain. However, the pain and symptoms of TMJ, potentially make the anxiety symptoms worse – causing a vicious kind of cycle, leading back to the TMJ symptoms. Studies have also shown that temporo-mandibular joint disorder also causes various types of pain including jaw pain and face pain.

TMJ disorder is linked to anxiety as a result of some unique symptoms which include:

·       Dizziness. This can come on suddenly when the nerves which go through the back of the jaw are affected.

·       Headaches. They usually occur in the mornings, but in addition to the headache which causes stress, it is the idea that your day is starting off with pain. This may lead to negativity which could last all day.

·       Long-term pain symptoms seem to be associated with anxiety, probably because of the way your body responds to the stress of continual pain.

Note that a TMJ disorder is always physically and emotionally hard on you, and the people around you. However, treatment is available - and you do not have to continue suffering chronic pain.

Updated studies into chronic pain issues.

Studies by pain specialists have agreed that hypnotherapy, in conjunction with neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) could be of great benefit to folks living with chronic pain. Hypnosis has been used for decades in the world of alternative treatments. Of late, hypnotherapy has become a very popular alternative method for patients looking for a natural therapy with no side effects.

Tests were conducted on people who were diagnosed with TMJ disorder, those who underwent hypnosis reported that they experienced less pain than others who were treated with other techniques. Combined with NLP, which helps to create a new mindset regarding chronic pain, the results were indeed encouraging.

It was agreed that TMJ disorder sufferers were not looking to have less pain – they are actually looking to have no pain at all.

Hypnosis can help to attain this ultimate goal.

For more information contact Matthew Tweedie Hypnosis.org.