Back Pain Specialist

Back pain is a common problem around the world. It's one of the prevalent reasons for absence from work and hospital visits for medical treatment. Back pain can be due to a medical condition, daily activity or injury. According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, about 75%-85% of Americans will experience issues with back pain in their lifetime.

Although back pain can be temporary in some cases, about 50% of individuals who go through back pain will have recurrent episodes within one year. Whether your back pain is a one-time thing or recurrent, you need to need to consult a back pain specialist. You can contact us today to book a session and get started on a treatment plan.

What Causes Back Pain?

The human back has a complex structure of tendons, ligaments, muscles, bones and disks that support the body during movements. Therefore, when one develops issues with any of these parts, it can lead to back pain. Here are the common causes of back pain.


Back pain can occur if you strain your muscles or ligaments due to muscle tension, damaged disks or a muscle spasm. Most of these issues result from sudden awkward movement or repeated heavy lifting.

Structural Problems

Most of these structural problems are spine-related. You can experience back pain if you have bulging disks, ruptured disks, arthritis, sciatica, osteoporosis, spinal stenosis, pinched nerve, or degenerative disc disease. If you are experiencing any of these problems, you’ll need to see a back pain specialist to address the cause.

Injuries And Accidents

If you are involved in a fall or car accident, you could get fractures, muscle sprains, and strains that can last longer even after the injury has healed. If the pain persists for more than three months, it becomes chronic.

Posture And Movement

Computer use has become one of the leading causes of back pain today. If you are always seated in a hunched position when using your computer, this can lead to recurrent back problems. Apart from poor posture, you can also experience back pains from daily activities such as over-stretching, bending awkwardly for long periods, long driving sessions or sleeping on a mattress that does not support the body.

Medical Conditions

Back pain can also be due to conditions such as cancer of the spine, inflammatory diseases, or kidney or bladder infections.

Lifestyle Triggers

Your day-to-day activities can cause back pain if you constantly lift heavy objects, wear high heels, smoke, live a sedentary lifestyle, or do not exercise. In addition, the risk of back pain increases due to poor physical fitness, excess weight, pregnancy and older age.

When Should You See A Back Pain Specialist?

Low back pain or lumbago is more common among people who experience back pain. A primary care doctor can assist you if your issue is from a recent injury. On most occasions, this pain goes away or improves on its own within a few weeks.

However, if the pain does not improve within several weeks, gets severe with time and stops you from doing your everyday activities, it’s time to see a back pain specialist.

While most of the pain is physical, chronic back pain can be psychological. In this case, you’ll need to seek complementary or alternative therapy like hypnosis, acupuncture, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), LifeWave patches or bioenergetics. These therapy treatments can be useful, especially if you struggle to cope with back pain.

For instance, you can manage chronic back pain by introducing new ways of thinking. Your back pain specialist will introduce relaxation techniques to help you maintain a positive attitude and manage the pain.


Back pain can be physical and psychological. It can increase due to negative thoughts and patterns that require treatment methods like hypnosis, bioenergetics, and NLP. If you have been experiencing chronic pain and need to deal with the issue, you can schedule a session today with our back pain specialist.