Back Specialist Near Me

Many people today experience back pain for various reasons. Sometimes, the pain will fade away on its own, and other times it might persist and become chronic for months. Recurrent issues with your back is a sign of a more serious problem that needs medical attention. When this happens, the pain could progressively become worse if left untreated.

If your back pain is not resolving even after treatment or is interfering with your daily activities, you need to see a back pain specialist. When the pain is mild, it can be easily addressed by a primary care physician. However, you can do a quick search on "back specialist near me" to get a doctor who has specialized knowledge, experience, and training for chronic situations. Schedule a session with one of our practitioners.

What Are The Different Types Of Back Pain?

To treat back issues, the specialist has to know the type of pain you are in. 75%-85% of Americans will experience issues with back pain in their lifetime; therefore, it’s helpful to define the specific cause.

Acute Back Pain

This is short-term pain that comes about suddenly. Acute back pain can be triggered by your day-to-day activities such as awkward movements, stress, strenuous exercise, or heavy lifting.

In most cases, back pain is diagnosed as acute. The pain does not last more than six weeks, and on most occasions, it will not pose a long-term problem.

Chronic Back Pain

On the other hand, chronic back pain can be quite severe. Symptoms from this condition are strong enough to affect your mobility, health, and quality of life for a longer period.

Just like acute back pain, chronic issues can arise suddenly but build up gradually. Typically, this pain lasts for more than six weeks, and it can be recurrent; therefore, it might disappear for a while. Chronic back pain can be caused by structural issues, injuries, and accidents, medical conditions, movement and posture, and lifestyle habits.

You can tell the difference between acute and chronic pain by looking at the timeframe.

When Should You See A Back Specialist?

It would be best to search for a back specialist when this happens.

Chronic Pain For Long

If you have a shooting, aching, or burning ache that doesn't go away for more than 12 weeks even after using over-the-counter medication, physical therapy, or massages, you need to see a back pain specialist.

When the home remedies and medications don’t work, you can also seek a back specialist who offers alternative therapies. Techniques such as hypnosis and NLP will help alter negative thoughts associated with the pain and help you overcome chronic pain much faster.

The Pain Is Affecting Your Life

Chronic pain is one of the leading causes of depression and anxiety, especially when it interferes with your everyday life. If the pain is getting in the way of your life and affecting your mental health, you need to see a back specialist to treat the physiological symptoms.

Leg Or Foot Numbness

If your legs are having issues standing up or experiencing regular stiffness after sitting down for extended periods, you need to seek treatment for your back. This can also make it hard to walk, twist or bend. If you search for a "back specialist near me," you can get alternative therapies like acupuncture to help you deal with the back problems.


Complementary or alternative therapy like hypnosis, acupuncture, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), LifeWave patches, or bioenergetics come in handy in treating back pain. If you struggle to cope with back pain, you can explore different treatment plans with our back specialists. Contact us today to get started.