Hypnotherapy & NLP Adelaide Anxiety

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Series Irrational Responses - Article 5 of 10 - Heartbreak and emotional hurt

What is emotional pain?

Emotional pain is pain or hurt which emanates from non-physical sources. This emotional upheaval is sometimes the result of the actions of others. At other times it could be the result of an underlying mental health condition such as anxiety or depression, and perhaps the result of regret, grief, or a personal loss. 

If you are heartbroken, lonely, sad or disappointed, then you are in the grip of emotional pain. Unless you take action to move away from this pain, you will never escape its clutches. No matter what the cause, psychological pain can be intense and has the potential to affect many different aspects of one’s life.


Feelings of emotional pain.

Emotional pain has often been dismissed as being less serious than physical pain. However, studies have shown that some of the feelings related to emotional pain can have a negative impact on both your mental and physical health.

Here are some symptoms of emotional pain 

  • Sorrow and sadness – often because of a romantic breakup.

  • Intense grief possibly due to the death of a loved one, or even the loss of a much-loved pet.

  • Strong feelings of loneliness and isolation from others.

  • A negative outlook on life that leads you to believe that nothing ever goes right for you.

  • Anxiety and panic for reasons you cannot identify.

  • Embarrassment which leads to painful feelings of shame and worthlessness.

Research has indicated that in some cases emotional pain may lead to physical symptoms with no identifiable cause. These can include headaches, stomach pains, and unusual feelings of depression.


Irrational responses and emotional pain.

Severe emotional pain which is not resolved can result in some of the following irrational responses and behaviours:

  • Uncalled for aggression to others.

  • Trying to dull the pain by using alcohol or turning to substance abuse.

  • Compulsive behaviours such as gambling, or extreme desires to shop, although unable to really afford to do so.

  • Depression and anxiety may also lead to suicidal thoughts coming into the mind.

  • Risky behaviour is defined as any action or activity that can cause potential harm to the individual concerned. This can include very heavy alcohol consumption, reckless driving, participation in extreme sports which can put your health or even your life in danger.

  • Irresponsible behaviour which could have a devastating effect on the people around you.

Although most individuals are able to perceive the potential risks their actions may pose, they do not consider the dangers when deciding to engage in risky behaviour. These behaviours are also an attempt to escape intense dysphoria (a generalized dissatisfaction with life) caused by emotional pain.

How to overcome emotional pain.

Mental health experts agree that the best way to overcome emotional pain is to get to the root cause of the symptoms. This can be achieved by means of hypnotherapy, which is able to access the subconscious mind once you are in a relaxed state. Depending on the individual requirements, the hypnosis may be combined with a specific approach known as cognitive behavioural therapy (Enhanced CBT/ Hypno-psychotherapy)

Enhanced CBT (Hypno-psychotherapy). and HNLP helps by identifying negative thoughts and emotions that feed your emotional pain, and combined with hypnotherapy, works to eliminate the harmful thought patterns, replacing them with a more positive mindset. You will also learn coping skills, as well as how to accept - and successfully work through your pain. There are times when emotional pain may lead to episodes of anxiety and depression, which will begin to disappear from your psyche when your newly learned coping skills come into play.

Hypnotherapy and NLP and NLP Coaching processes and treatment is focussed on restoring calm, and eliminating emotional pain from your life.