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The Golden Rules of S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting

Setting yourself for success.

Perhaps you have been thinking about where you want to be in 5 years’ time. Maybe you are not that clear what your objectives in your job are, and if you are clear, do you have any idea how you will achieve them?

If you want to succeed, whether it be in your personal life, or in your business ambitions, you have to set goals. Without goals, you will lack focus and direction.

Goal setting allows you to take control of you life’s direction, and provides you with a way to check how well you are doing.

To accomplish your goals, you need to know the best way to set them. Goal setting is a process which starts with careful consideration about what you actually want to achieve.

You cannot just say I want it, and expect it to happen – you have to put in the hard work and keep defining, and redefining, the steps you need to take.

You have to set yourself up for success.

When you set goals for yourself, be sure that they are related to things which motivate you. Motivation means importance, and if they are important, there is value in achieving the goals you aspire to. Don’t set dozens of little goals, you will not be able to devote enough time to each one. Aim for the priorities in your life, or in your business, and focus on those.

There are many ways to set goals, but one important factor is that they should be written down, so that you do not lose track of where you are going, and how you are getting there.

Studies have shown that the most powerful way to set and achieve goals, is to make use of what is known as the SMART system.

There are a few variations as to what SMART actually stands for, but there is a general consensus of opinion that they refer to the 5 golden rules of goal setting.

1.    S = specific. When you set a goal, always be specific about what you want to achieve. This is not a plan for HOW you are going to achieve your goal, but rather about what you hope to achieve.

2.    M = measurable. If this is a project, possibly for your career or business, that is going to take some time to complete, set milestones for certain tasks to be accomplished. That way you can measure just how the project is progressing.  

3.    A = achievable. Set goals which are realistic and attainable with the tools that you have. Unattainable goals might collapse halfway through, and lead to serious demotivation.

4.    R = relevant. In business, for example, relevant goals should be in line with the general business goals. New goals should therefore be offering something advantageous to the business objectives, such as a bigger share of the market.

5.    T = time specific. Goals must have realistic time frames. Achieving a goal on some hazy day in the future, without an actual target date, will not succeed. Without a deadline, there will be no urgency to get the job done, and no way of measuring how well the project is going.

Designed to help and support goal-setters.

The SMART system shows how to help individuals and businesses cope with challenges, by setting specific goals.

Employers in particular, can use the system to educate the employees as to what the goals and objectives of the company are. Employees may also be motivated to set personal goals to improve their productivity, careers, and value to the company.


Something to take home.

·      Make sure that your goal is clear and well-defined.

·      Figure out a good way to measure your success so that you do not get disheartened.

·      Set goals that are attainable and relevant to the way you want to go in life.

·      Put your goals down in writing, and make a definite action plan.

·      Set time-bound goals and stick to it, so that you do not end up in some misty “one day I’ll get there” zone.

·      Allow your goals to be your own personal mission statement of your life.

·      Goal setting is an ongoing process, review, and redefine if necessary.

Most of all, keep a positive mindset. This attitude will help you overcome any setbacks which may come across your path – and let’s face it, setbacks can cause you to stumble – or you can rise above them, and come out stronger than before.

It is up to you!