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Series: Dealing with grief from a heartbreak. Article 1 of 6

Love hurts.

As most of us know all too well, the end of a romantic relationship that you did not want to end, getting dumped hurts physically. When you are in the midst of heartbreak, the chances are that you feel pain somewhere in your body – maybe a dull ache in the chest or stomach. It could also be a piercing or crushing sensation, which can hang over you for days. At first you may believe that it is all in the mind, but studies have shown that there can also be physical effects.

A broken heart which leaves you bereft can therefore affect you both physically and mentally. Some of the ways a broken heart can affect you:

·        Digestive issues such as eating comfort foods like ice cream, chocolates, cakes and pizza, can lead to indigestion and stomach pain.

·        Chest pain is a common physical response to high stress and intense emotions.

·        Binge eating because you are heartbroken may lead to weight gain and raise your risk of high blood pressure.

·        Heartbreak may also result in a loss of appetite, and a breakdown of nutritional requirements.

 Health and good eating may be the last thing on your mind, but it will be a benefit to your emotional state if you make the effort to stay healthy.

Some ways to help one get over heartbreak.

Getting over a painful experience quickly is like walking barefoot on crushed glass, every step you take hurts. However, in order to move forward, at some point you will have to let go, and pick up the pieces. If you are the one who was left with a broken heart, here are a few things you can try to help get the healing process started:

·        Know that you are not alone. This is knowledge is not always therapeutic, but if you hear or read about other people who have endured and come through heartbreak, it may give you courage to believe that you can do the same.

·        Live in the moment, take one day at a time. Try not to think about the future and what might have been, as it can be overwhelming if you do.

·        Reach out to your family and friends. They will understand how you feel and may have some good advice and encouraging words.

·        If you like music, play it as much as you can. Even if the songs are sad, it can serve as a reminder that you are not alone in the heartbreak.

·        Maintain your normal routine, whether at home or at work. This can renew your sense of purpose, and help take your mind off the emotional pain.

If you are willing to make a positive effort to take action, studies by experts have shown the potential to weather the storm is within your grasp.

The need to believe.

Believing is the ability to see through the darkness that may be enveloping you, and realise that there can be light at the end of the tunnel. However, some people do everything right, but still find it very difficult to cope and move on. This is when intervention is needed, as time alone is not doing the job.

Research by experts has concluded that if psychological issues were attended to, the physical pain of heartbreak would also improve. A competent, experienced hypnotherapist, could help to eliminate some of the negativity caused by a broken heart, and guide you to create a new positive mindset, free of trauma and pain.