Hypnotherapy & NLP Adelaide Anxiety

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Series: How NLP and hypnosis can help resolve high blood pressure, also known as hypertension: Article 2 of 4

Stress and anxiety.

The mind is without doubt the most powerful tool that humans have. It is the root of everything we are, and all that we hope to be. The mind consists of 2 major parts, the conscious mind, and the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is where everything is stored that happens, a mix of good memories, bad memories, harmful thoughts, unresolved trauma, and other issues of baggage we may drag with us.

There are certain triggers in the subconscious mind that can cause the conscious mind to react and respond in behaviours which are not always beneficial. Many of these behaviour patterns are negative, and result in stress and anxiety, which is a huge factor in high blood pressure issues.

The key to success.    

The removal of limiting beliefs from the subconscious mind is the key to your success. NLP is able to help you overcome the limited thinker syndrome and free you from ideas and beliefs that may have held you captive for a long time, and probably played a role in shaping your personality and stresses to what they are now.

Research has indicated that NLP combined with hypnosis, you will not only survive anxiety, but also allow your health to thrive as you do your part to help lower your blood pressure levels.

What exactly is hypnosis? 

Contrary to what some people believe, hypnosis is NOT manipulation, mind control, magic, or an illusion of any kind.

Hypnosis is actually a wonderful process which will help you to eliminate harmful habits and behaviours, and rebuild a positive new mindset free of baggage which holds you back, and free of responses and behaviours which lead to anxiety and stress.

Anyone who is willing to be hypnotised, is able to experience the state of relaxation and accept the positive suggestions from the therapist. Note that hypnosis is a state of mind which needs YOUR permission, and you cannot be made to do or say anything with which you do not agree.

What does hypnosis feel like?

You will not be asleep, or anything close to it. You will be relaxed and focused on what is going on, paying attention to what the therapist is saying. Hypnosis is not always all about relaxation, but as many issues are stress or anxiety related, when you are fully relaxed, it is easier for the therapist to access the subconscious mind and make the positive changes.

Hypnosis is not dangerous, and as far back as 1958 the American Medical Association officially recognised hypnosis as a bona fide treatment when practised by a qualified professional.

How hypnosis and NLP can help you.

Worry has become a modern-day pandemic which affects lives with drama and stress. Many people are convinced that they are born worriers, and are not happy unless they have something to worry about, mostly about things over which they have no control. However, worry is a counter-productive learned behaviour, which leads to anxiety or stress that fuels hypertension. Hypnosis and NLP can also eliminate any insecure, negative thought processes that push your anxiety levels up. By learning to stay calm, you will achieve your goal of helping to reduce blood pressure and improve your health. Learning to stay calm is a proven NLP and hypnosis technique.